Saturday, August 15, 2009


Bad week for utilities

I am really down on corporations in the electric business. Their money, in my opinion, is chiefly responsible for the deregulation of electricity. I know it was not the consumer who wanted electric rates that were 40% higher than than the neighboring states. I do not understand why Democrats running for state office do not make this an issue. I know that I can no longer votes for a Republican for any state office.

But I regress. Earlier this week, Sharon came home and said there was a group of door to door salesmen in the neighborhood. It was almost time to go to Lubys, which would make it about 4:30. We were almost ready to go when the doorbell rang. I saw this group of four or five people standing on the front porch. I open the door and went outside closing the door behind me. I saw a "Reliant Energy" patch on their shirt. The hair on the back of my neck immediately bristled. The head guy started his rehearsed spill when I stopped him by saying there was no way I was ever going to do business with Reliant Energy if I had a choice. He asked me why and I told him. I thought I was pretty clear but he came back with "we have a 12 cent rate". I could have told him I could get a 10 cent rate by just going on the Internet but I wanted to end the conversation and go to Lubys, so I said "I don't care if you have a 3 cent rate, I will never again do business with Reliant if I have a choice". I walked in the house without giving them a chance to reply and shut the door. Off to Lubys.

I received my gas bill today, Center Point Energy. I knew it was incorrect by 100 cubic feet. Went out to make sure, sure enough, too high by 100 CF. So I called and got customer service. After about 10 minutes of answering questions, you know, phone number, address etc. The person than told me my personal information was incomplete and would I like her to record my social security number and date of birth. In my best imitation of "The Band" in their song "The Weight" all I said was "NO".

Why does everyone want your social and date of birth? It drives me crazy, and makes me fight with everybody asking for it.
This story made me LOL!
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